Monday, January 24, 2011

Windows Phone 7 Jailbreak Team (ChevronWP7) Working With Microsoft On a ‘Win – Win’ Situation

With the team behind Windows Phone 7 jailbreaking app ChevronWP7 meeting Microsoft earlier this week, many wondered what the future would hold for the homebrew scene. Now though, developers Rafael Rivera, Chris Walsh, and Long Zheng have broken cover to help allay everyone’s fears, writes GeekSmack.

Saurik revamps Cydia Theme Center, Cydia 1.1 Coming Soon

Saurik has released a revamped Theme Center for Cydia in coordination with MacCiti and implemented using the new Cydia 'whole package index'.

As I am not in charge of updating this area of Cydia (MacCiti/ModMyi are), users can actually expect to see new content on a biweekly (every two weeks, not twice a week) schedule. ;P

Right now, you will find a selection of themes from the top selling vendors in Cydia, as well as themes selected by the employees of MacCiti and ModMyi.

Currently, all nominations for additional Feature Themes, regardless of the repository they are hosted in, must be sent to either MacCiti or ModMyi.

However, Cydia 1.1, whose release is imminent, provides the additional platform hooks required to allow nominations directly from users to us.

What is Jailbreak?

iOS Jailbreaking[1] is a process that allows devices running Apple's iOS operating system (such as the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, and recently Apple TV) to gain full access (root access) to all features of the said operating system, thereby removing limitations imposed by Apple. Once jailbroken,[1]

Sunday, January 23, 2011

History of the iPhone Jailbreaking

 The first jailbreaking method was released on June 27, 2007 and made it easy to stay on AT&T and use an iPhone. Consequently, Apple locked their iPhones to the US Carrier AT&T, and a month later the first third-party game was released for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Three months after the initial jailbreak, another method was discovered, which led to a cat and mouse game between Apple and hackers to patch and exploit security holes.
In February 2008 the Italian computer hacker zibri el Fontu found the most important key inside the iPhone which then led to all upcoming jailbreak methods. Zibri himself coded and freely distributed ZiPhone. Upon the nearing release of iOS 2.0 (previously iPhone OS), a hacker group called the iPhone Dev Team released a jailbreaking application named PwnageTool that used a graphical user interface to jailbreak 2G and 3G versions of the iPhone, and the first generation of iPod Touches then available. PwnageTool continues to be developed as of iOS 4.2.1.